
Boxed for Fun: The Bijou Box, March 2022

Pyramid Atlantic Art Center 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

An In-Studio Workshop!  – Learn to make trays and boxes for the fun of it!


Design Repeat Patterns with Scissors + Paper

Pyramid Atlantic Art Center 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

An In-Studio Workshop!  – In this fun workshop, students will explore visual language potential in fundamental shapes to create a suite of repeat patterns, while learning about types of repeats and touching on how to move from cut paper to applications.


Experimental Drawing II, March 2022

Zoom Classroom, Pyramid Atlantic

A 5-Day Virtual Workshop!  – Building on lessons learned from Experimental Drawing part I, this workshop delves deeper into the art of drawing.


Dyeing to Pigment, March 2022

Papermaking Studio, Pyramid Atlantic 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

An In-Studio Workshop!  – What’s the difference between pigmenting and dyeing paper? A lot! In this face-paced workshop, students learn how pigmenting and dyeing techniques differ, and make many paper…


Make+Take: Four-letter Words, March 2022

Letterpress Studio, Pyramid Atlantic 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

Let's Make+Take!  – This Make+Take challenges participants to come up with a favorite four-letter word using trays of random large wood type to create fun and funky posters.


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