Are You a Member?
Membership offers you tons of perks to Pyramid and the broader art community - like discounts and exclusive opportunities - while consistently supporting the organization.
$15 Advance Tickets ($17 at the door)
Browse pop-up artist booths, art studios, and Pyramid’s store as you enjoy spun vinyl rock. Bring dancing shoes to groove with the rockabilly of Rock-A-Sonics as they play against the backdrop of art by screenprinting rockstar, Carlos Hernandez.
Friday, November 29, 10:30am-4:30pm
Teens 13-18 looking for a way to fill the day off from school can learn all the basics of screenprinting as they design and print their own tote bags!
Pyramid Atlantic’s Limited Edition 2025 Letterpress Calendar is printed in-house on our presses with handset type. Great for gift-giving, but act fast and get your today—these calendars sell fast!
October 19 – November 24, 2024
Houston-based artist Carlos Hernandez shares high-voltage graphic works with retro grit through a selection of his screenprints, collages, and sketchbooks.
We are a nonprofit arts organization focused on printmaking, papermaking, and book arts.
• Wed–Thu: 10am-8pm
• Fri–Sun: 10am-6pm