
Event Category: Letterpress

Introduction to Tabletop Letterpress

Letterpress Studio, Pyramid Atlantic 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

Learn the basics of letterpress printing with antique lead type on a Chandler & Price Pilot tabletop platen press.


Introduction to Letterpress on the Vandercook

Letterpress Studio, Pyramid Atlantic 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

Learn all the basics of letterpress printing using an original Vandercook proof press while creating your own small edition of prints.

Get Tickets $167.00 5 tickets left

Custom Letterpress Business Cards

Letterpress Studio, Pyramid Atlantic 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

Learn about the wonderful world of letterpress as you design and print your very own business card!

Get Tickets $167.00 4 tickets left

Make+Take: Ornamental Expressions

Letterpress Studio, Pyramid Atlantic 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

Let’s Make+Take!—Combine ornaments (decorative elements) and type to create fun and unique expressions.

Get Tickets $45.00 3 tickets left

Introduction to Letterpress on the Vandercook

Letterpress Studio, Pyramid Atlantic 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

Learn all the basics of letterpress printing using an original Vandercook proof press while creating your own small edition of prints.

Get Tickets $167.00 5 tickets left

Make+Take: Flip The Script

Letterpress Studio, Pyramid Atlantic 4318 Gallatin St, Hyattsville, MD, United States

Let’s Make+Take!—Learn the basics of letterpress printing using both sides of the antique wood type on a Vandercook printing press.

Get Tickets $45.00 5 tickets left

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