Thursday, February 8, 7-8pm ET via Zoom, Sunday, March 10 (times vary), and Thursday, March 14, 7-8pm ET via Zoom
Combine your design knowledge with vintage letterpress printing techniques, and print your own designs using photopolymer plates! In this hybrid workshop, you will learn how to take your designs from sketches to computer layouts to letterpress printed pieces virtually via Zoom. This session will cover the basics of printing with photopolymer plates, designing for letterpress printing, and how to create your file to order plates. Then, breaking into smaller groups, we’ll work in-studio on April 29 to cover basic press operations, discuss your individual project, and print a small edition of your unique design on the Vandercook.
All students will meet on February 8 for the introductory session and on March 14 for the wrap-up session via Zoom. At registration, please select one of the following schedules for your in-studio printing session on March 10:
Level: Beginner/Intermediate – Some experience with Adobe Photoshop and/or Adobe Illustrator is highly recommended. If you have no experience in the software, consider taking an introductory class. Previous letterpress experience is welcome but not required.
Registration closes February 6, 2024. Information about how to prepare and have plates printed will be provided during the Zoom portion of the workshop. A materials fee has been included with your registration to cover paper and ink for the in-studio session.
PLEASE NOTE: All virtual sessions will be recorded for Pyramid Atlantic’s private use to better optimize our programming and share as examples for funders. You may mute your microphone or turn off your camera if you do not wish to be recorded. Students will have access to the recording between sessions to help with preparing their files for plate processing.
Registration includes a $10 materials fee to cover paper and ink for the in-studio session. Students will need to supply additional materials of their own, including:
Sara Blumberg loves creating designs through all aspects of letterpress printing. She fell in love with the art after taking an introductory printing class at Pyramid two years ago. During the day Sara works as a design and content strategist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. focusing on ocean missions. Most evenings you can find her making new designs or trying new color combinations in the studio. Before letterpress, Sara worked as a journalist in Baltimore. Learn more about her work by following her in instagram at @juniperletterpress
“It was so easy and so fun! Who knew about polymer plates!?!”
—Previous workshop participant
“Great overview of the set-up and options available for photopolymer plates. It was the perfect intro to get me started. Now I can plan a project around what I learned.”
—Previous workshop participant