Sundays, February 2, 9, 16, and 23, 1-5pm
Learn the basics of stone lithography, including graining, principles of drawing, etching, printing, and troubleshooting. You will learn to prepare a stone and will draw, process, and print an image in this class that introduces you to the fundamentals of an almost magical medium that transformed printmaking in the late 18th century.
Level: Beginner – no previous experience required.
Registration closes January 24, 2025. Material fees are included with your registration to cover the supplies provided in class. Students will need to gather/purchase additional materials for class (see the materials list below). This list will also be provided with the registration confirmation email.
Registration includes a $27 materials fee to cover consumable materials provided in class, including acid, solvents, ink, newsprint, a cellulose sponge, and a Korn’s #3 litho crayon. Students will need to supply additional materials of their own, including:
Amy Callner was born and raised in the Chicago area, and fell in love with printmaking at the age of fifteen. Between then and now, she’s worn a lot of hats. She’s been a community organizer, environmental activist, union researcher, roller derby queen, single parent, partnered parent, teacher, and artist. She has a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art, and has learned and practiced lithography at The Chicago Printmakers Collaborative and Anchor Graphics in Chicago, the Printmaking Workshop in New York, and here at Pyramid Atlantic where she was a Printshop Associate for six years and now serves as the Art Studio Manager. She lives and works just over the DC border in Prince George’s County, Maryland, enjoys a good comic or graphic novel, and doesn’t do decaf. You can learn more about her work at
“I really enjoyed learning about the process of using hydrophobic surfaces to make additive prints.”
—Previous workshop participant
“I loved the class. Learned a lot and can’t wait to sign up for others!”
—Previous workshop participant