March 8, 10:30am-4:30pm
Get started with letterpress! This workshop will cover the basics of letterpress printing with antique lead type on a Vandercook flatbed cylinder press. You will learn how to set type, operate a Vandercook press, and clean the press; set a few lines of text of your own choosing; and print a small edition (10-15 prints).
Level: Beginner – no experience necessary
Registration closes March 1, 2025. Material fees are included with your registration.
Registration includes a $10 materials fee to cover consumable materials. Student may also wish to bring the following items:
Note: For your safety we also recommend short sleeves only and that long hair be tied back.
Kristina N. Matherne is an artist, master gardener, and educator living in Washington, D.C. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in printmaking from Stephen F. Austin State University. Following graduation, she worked with Master Printer Charles D. Jones printing and binding fine art books. She has worked as an educator in South Korea and southeast D.C. Kristina is passionate about advocating for education equity, incorporating art into urban communities, and working with others towards the peace and prosperity of her neighborhood. Her work is currently inspired by urban gardening in D.C.’s northeast community of Deanwood. Follow Kristina’s work on Instagram @evenstarpress.
“Really fun, informative, and well-paced. Felt like I learned a lot, enjoyably. Really a perfect experience.”
—Previous Workshop Participant