Registration Deadline: July 26, 2023
BIG INK’s Registration Fee: $300
Artists, have you ever wanted to learn woodcut? Have you ever dreamed of printing in extra-extra-large?
This workshop will teach you how to make a woodblock print on a grand scale! First, you carve a design at home following BIG INK’s online master course. Then, you meet the BIG INK team at Pyramid, and together print your finished carving on The Big Tuna: BIG INK’s custom-designed giant mobile printing press. Take this opportunity to work BIG (from 24×36 to 40×96 inches) and see your woodblock professionally printed!
No prior printmaking experience is necessary, and individuals of all skill levels are welcome. Class access begins after you register—so the earlier you sign-up, the more time you’ll have to carve! Registrants must attend one in-person printing day, either October 14 or 15, 2023, which BIG INK assigns following the registration deadline.
Pictured: Kristelle Pliez printing on The Big Tuna with BIG INK at Pyramid Atlantic, 2019